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Tuesday 28 August 2012

Church: N300,000 Offering Money Turns to Paper

Wonders, they say, shall never cease. At St. Mary's Parish in Jos, Plateau State, it's mysterious to the leadership and members of the church how N300,000 that was realised as collection suddenly turned into bundle of papers.

The strange incident happened at the banking hall of Zenith Bank main branch in Jos, where the Church Secretary, Miss Ifeoma Eze had gone to deposit the whole collection that day.

Ifeoma explained that the money was intact when she left home for the bank but on getting to the counter she could not fathom how the money turned into pieces of paper when she opened the polythene bag that contained the money.
She was so confused and scared that she started screaming and was oblivious of the attention she was attracting as bewildered customers tried to console her.

Miss Ifeoma said she was particularly confused because she was wondering how to relay the story to the Parish Priest who entrusted the money to her.

"It is a story I find difficulty in telling anyone because not many people can believe it,'' she added.
Confirming that she actually took the "real" money with her, Miss Ifeoma said she even changed the smaller denominations into bigger ones to ease the deposit processes in the bank.

Although some members of the church thinks there was a foul play somewhere, but Rev. Father Emmanuel Ray-Ikpe, the Parish Priest, described the incident as "unfortunate, surprising and mysterious".

"I have never heard of such a thing before but it has happened to us; to our Church. There is nothing we can do about it. My secretary came back from the bank crying. Only God knows what exactly happened... We have left everything in the hands of God our creator,'' the Reverend Father said.

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